Should I move to Medium Demon ?
Hi everyone, today I beat DeCode, which is considered a hard Easy Demon, but I didn't find it too difficult, Deadlocked felt harder to me, and the same goes for Extinction (though it was one of my first demons at the time).
Currently, I've completed 23 easy demons, including Extinction, Deadlocked, DeCode, ToE2, Clubstep, Freedom, Citadel, Death Moon, Problematic, Ultra Paracosm and Change of Scene.
Do you think I'm ready to move on to Medium Demon ? I was thinking of trying B as my first Medium.
Also, I wanted to make this post to ask which Medium Demon you would recommend to me. I have 4 of them in my favorites : B, Lutetia, Explorers and Ultra Violence, and I've heard about the Eschaton, but that's it. If you have suggestions for other Medium Demons, especially some that are accessible but still true to the Medium difficulty, I’d be interested to hear them.
Thanks in advance !