Best games you can finish in 3-6 hours?
Finished a few longer RPG's recently (FF7 Rebirth, Baldur's Gate 3, The Witcher 3)... my instinct is to pick another longer RPG, but kinda feel like maybe I want to pump the brakes and get a couple of smaller wins under my belt before I throw the next month or two away.
I don't really have a preference for genre though something with a nice little story or an emotional/thought provoking experience would be cool. I guess something like Journey would fall into that, or GRIS/Neva... but I've played all those, and wouldn't mind some lesser known gems or outside the box suggestions.
No horror games. I'm a big fan of the genre but life has gotten too real in recent years and they aren't as fun as they used to be.
Thinking 3-6 hours for a casual, first time playthrough, not speedrunning or anything. Would love some games I could finish in an evening after work, or in 2 lengthier sessions on a rainy weekend day with nowhere to go.
Appreciate any suggestions!