Recommended games for playing with a partner?

Hi all! First time posting here.

My girlfriend and I just bought an Xbox Series X and are looking to get some games that we can both play together. This could include "party games" or campaign-style games like Fallout, RDR, Halo, etc.

My girlfriend isn't a huge gamer (and neither am I, honestly, compared to my teenage years playing MW2 and Halo 3 on Xbox 360) but I am personally more inclined to enjoy video games in general so I want to get us playing something that is just a good, all-around fun time.

We're pretty impartial when it comes to genres. Mostly just hoping to crowdsource opinions on the most fun games y'all have played. The only thing I don't think she'd be totally down for is something really scary (thinking like Dead Space); although, she LOVES the 'Alien' franchise so scary isn't completely off the table.

Anyways, I'd appreciate any input! Thanks in advance.