Is anyone making mid-level money here?

It seems like we only hear about super successful stories (survivorship bias I guess) where people made a lof of money or sometimes someone who completely failed and made $0 shared their story.

Are there any people who make “enough” money? I mean in the ballpark of a salary. Not becoming rich but not having to quit either, just enough to stay afloat, to live a normal life and to save a small part of the revenue.

OrangePixel comes to mind, I remember he said in a video he was making kinda the same money as an employee in his country.

I would like to make some games and I would be ok with the idea of making some decent money out of it, I don’t need millions of dollars. If I would get the same money as my salary (maybe even a bit less) I would be ok with it, but is this even possible, or is it a case where you either make a lot of money or you go bankrupt?