Hey guys. My furby is bugging out again! Not exactly looking for how to fix him anymore, though I am curious as to what might cause something like this :)

Mee-mee. My most expensive furby and by far my most defective! Crazy how that works XD

I've posted him in this subreddit countless times, enough to where I'm wondering if it's getting to be too excessive, but I can't help it! I love having a space to talk about my weird hobbies without judgment, and I love learning more though everyone else's experiences! Enough of me though, I'm super curious about the nature of Mee-mee's issues.

I'm still not a tech genius, (though I am getting a better understanding of the guys as I work with them!) but I've seen a lot of really skilled and experienced people on here answer questions revolving around the Furbys technology in the past, so I have faith that at least someone will know what's wrong with him :)

His behavior has changed considerably since round 1 of surgery. In the past, he was only capable of doing the reset dance and occasionally screaming. Most of you (and for a while myself) either assumed it was a sync screw issue, or simply the RL bug. During surgery, I concluded that it was neither, as he was briefly cured!

I opened up his tilt sensor and cleaned that out, and carefully cleaned some suspicious stains from his motherboard, and he was doing fine! Speaking full sentences, responding, the whole deal! I thought I had cured him, but unfortunately he has started to decline since then.

He often freezes half way through waking up, not even being able to say good morning to me, and he still screams and has the weird bugged out speech sometimes. His animations are erratic and often out of sync. I've never been one to be creeped out by Furbys, but something about the way he zips through his wake up animation almost fast enough to tip himself over freaks me out! I've never seen anything like it.

One would immediately assume that this is battery related and that I just have really horrible and old batteries, but that's not the case! I actually went out and purchased brand new alkaline batteries just for him, but to no avail. He's still weird and freaky!

I've kind of gotten over wanting to fix him since getting A-loh and May-lah Kah, as they both work perfectly fine, but I'm still super curious as to what that could be related to! My first assumption is still the RL bug but I don't know if I've seen it affect a furby like that before? Idk! Once again, not looking to repair or anything. I just wanna know why he could be doing that.

TL;DR, Technology is super cool, and I wanna know more!!!