Official Help and Status on New Funko App


Edit: Android rollout should be complete!

Hi everyone,

I've recently had some discussion with folks over at Funko about the new app and they wanted to send along some help for issues people are having.

The biggest problem users are experiences is migrating your existing collection. If you have a Stashpedia or Funko Beta App collection from before, you can migrate them both over to the new app using this link:

They are also tracking search and data related issues which I know has come up with many of you, so hopefully that will get sorted soon.

If you have any other problems, please put them here. I will take the problems back to the folks over at Funko and hopefully be able to get some helpful responses to make the user experience better.

An official press release is coming soon from Funko so be on the lookout for that as well.


- Regexr

Known Issues

  • Trying to log in to stash for migration using a Google or Facebook account does nothing.

  • Android users download the old Stashpedia app when attempting to download the new Funko App.

  • Searching returns incorrect results