How do I start medically transitioning?

Hello everyone! I’m researching on how to start medically transitioning for next year.

Little background: I will be 17 this year turning 18 next year I also live in Michigan.

I read and heard some people/articles say that gel is better for people who don’t like needles but it’s way pricier than injections/needles. Is that true? I don’t mind needles but I don’t love them either.

Since it’s prescribed do I go to my doctor or do I go to planned parenthood to book an appointment? But can I go to the doctor and would they do a lot of that for me? Is there any other places I could get it besides planned parenthood?

Is it true that getting testosterone with insurance makes it cheaper/more affordable?

Political wise: since trump will be in office for 4 years is it true that he’s going to ban HRT for everyone and not just minors? Because don’t some cis people need hormones because theirs are unbalanced or for other reasons?

I’m just nervous and scared for the upcoming years and want to know more on how to start my transition. (Sorry if it’s a lot).