Hello handsome gentlemen I have a question about my name. Specifically if yall think as a Trans fem its okay that I use a typically Trans masc name.

I don't want to say the name since on here I go by Milly and I want no one in my life to know about this account so I don't want any chance for someone to stumble upon this and link me with my account.

Anyway when it came time to pick a name I just searched a list of nonbinary names. I'm Trans feminine AMAB but I prefer nonbinary names since it's easier to freely use the name and not get harrased for it when you don't pass.

Anyway I found a name I really like and I picked it. However it was pointed out to me by someone that the name is typically masc. Like an overwhelming majority masc. But I figured it was fine since it was on a nonbinary list. Then I found out that it was a very common Trans masc name for both Trans male Trans Mascs and non binary individuals of AFAB origin.

When I first introduce myself with the name and people know I'm queer they immediately assume I'm Trans Masc or AFAB non-binary till I correct them. It causes me to feel a little like maybe I'm stealing or taking somthing from yall in a weird way?

Anyway I feel bad about it and while I love the name I think it's important I get the opinion of you fine gentlemen on the subject.