Client emailed all of his independent contractors, and said “please check your email twice a day during holiday break”

Yikes. How would you handle that?

First off, I am an IC. I set my schedule and I set my vacation time.

He started by saying, “I’ve just emailed the full time employees telling them how to be online over Christmas break.” I can only imagine what he asked of his actual employees?

He asked us to monitor work email (his company provided email account for me) twice a day from Christmas Eve through New Years Eve, while the office is closed.

For context, I work for this client one day a week (Tuesdays), but he has requested that I monitor his company provided email account daily. I already told him, i only work for him on Tuesdays, and that is the day I monitor his company email. As a courtesy, I check his company provided email address on Mondays the day before I work for him.

Other days of the week I work for other clients, or, I am physically unable to monitor emails.