Feeling judged for formula feeding

I live in Denmark but I don't have the vocabulary to write this in Danish, I hope it's okay I write in English.

I won't go into all the details, but I intended to breastfeed. And I can't - I have no milk and was accidentally starving my baby and she ended up in NICU.

My baby was born large for gestational age (4.3kg at 37 weeks via c-section (because she had breech presentation and I had a pregnancy medical condition where early c-section is advised). She wasn't breathing when she came out, so I couldn't have skin-to-skin or try breastfeeding for hours.

My milk started coming in, but she never managed to latch on and couldn't transfer any milk at all. No one advised me that my milk would dry up if she didn't feed soon. 12 different nurses tried to get her to latch over 4 days at the hospital - and failed. They kept pulling my nipples and hurting me, and laying her on my incision area which was so painful. They put in my hospital notes that I was disconnected to my baby and emotionless, which really upset me - I actually felt so depressed and anxious.

I managed to get some colostrum and feed her that via syringe. I tried pumping with a medical grade pump and a home electric double pump (heard about it online) but never got much out.

She ended up in NICU on day 5 (breathing issues and lost 12% of her birthweight). They put her on formula and she quickly stabilised. I was pretty traumatised and my milk immediately stopped coming out. Literally zero drops for days.

I followed instructions to eat certain foods, pump every 2 hours, power pump, do skin-to-skin, but the milk never came back. Baby still wouldn't latch, and was diagnosed with a high palate and (mild) tongue tie. I couldn't get more than 50ml of milk a day even pumping 12 x a day/night. I never felt a letdown - I had to squeeze every drop out. It hurt. And she was eating 650ml a day easily...

A lactation consultant at Hvidovre Hospital said I'd left it too late and it wouldn't work now, and I should formula feed because my cortisol was too high because I'd gotten so upset at the NICU and my supply was ruined.

So, I had to give up after 3 weeks of this failure. I got to spend no time with her as I was constantly pumping and cleaning the parts - often all for less than 5ml a pumping session. I feel much happier now, and like I can bond with her. She's regained her birthweight rapidly and is far more alert.

The problem is people keep telling me to breastfeed. And judging me as a bad mother for not.

The health visitors. The midwife at my doctor surgery. A doula. Other mums. Even a stranger who saw me with a bottle. They all say I didn't try hard enough. That my baby isn't getting the best. It makes me feel awful (even though I know she's thriving on formula and was literally starving because I had no milk).

How do I tell them to shut up? It hurts a lot when people assume I'm lazy and not bothered about my child, when I tried so hard, and my body let me down. It sucks to be actively shamed - told 'this is how we do things in Denmark, you're not in your country anymore', 'have you tried this/that?' etc.

Am I unlucky? Or is this normal to tell a woman who tried her best - and whose body simply couldn't make milk?