Denied a full police report

1960 my grandfather was shot and killed by a friend under strange circumstances. It has always been family lore so I wanted to get more information about what might have actually happened.

In February I requested a copy of a police report and any related files they might still have from the Oklahoma City PD via

They sent me a copy of the police report but the entire “witness endorsed” section had been redacted and along with a few other bits of information throughout.

Last week I submitted the same request but asked for an unredacted copy and I was told they would send my request to their legal department for approval.

A few days later I got this email

“Your request has been processed by the Municipal Counselor's office and their findings are as follows:

'Provide open-record version of the arrest report. Follow up report was not retained.’

Open-record = redacted per SOP."

I looked at the OK’s Open Records Act to try and understand why I was denied the unredacted copy but I can’t find anything.

I’m wondering if I have any recourse here?