Raids complaining

Why are so many people complaining about the raids?

TL;DR Stop complaining. Either do the raids and het the rewards or don't do them and not get the rewards!

They aren't that difficult to do in the first place. If you can't do them either change your build (that's what I did) or just accept you're not going to do them. Raids aren't supposed to be a walk in the park. But if you have a good build and a good team you can run them in a few minutes.

This community is supposed to be the 'best community EvEr. However, a bunch of you are obviously annoyed they can't get the stuff the raids offers because they refuse to adapt.

You can easily adjust your build and your perk cards.

Yes, raids can give you plans and mods. It's an end game thing. If you like to grind /or are bored of this game raids will give you extras.

If you don't want to do raids that's fine. But you can't expect you get the same rewards as people who are actually grinding the raids. They deserve them more than the people who are complaining about the raids in the game and dont them but expect the rewards to fall in their laps.

It would be quite ridiculous to reward people who don't do the raids. Compared to the people who are grinding. So again instead of complaining you can either join a raids team (by now people should be easily run the raids, or pick up the stuff at the raids area as people will drop a lot of stuff there. Including buffs, mods or others stuff that makes them encumbared.)

Or.... You just don't do the raids and you have to go to players camps to find the mods you want. Who hopefully sell 4* mods. If not. Change servers and rince and repeat.

I expect a lot of downvotes as my opinion is not going to be in line with the FO75 echochamber of this subreddit. I couldn't care less. This is how you get 4*mods and how raids work.

So for the love of God stop making posts about how you are not enjoying raids. You probably just need to change your build. This update with the Raids made me come back to the game and made this game more fun for a bit. The game was to easy to begin with anyway. It felt like powerwash simulator. Now it's a little bit more challenging. Not much just a little bit 😜 and the raids so far have been fun.

Happy raiding to my fellow vaultdwellers.