The crashing is just unacceptable and genuinely pathetic at this point

It’s a massive issue when it is a matter of not if you crash, but when. The when somehow always ends up being near the end of the hourly event obviously, or just doing any basic tasks really. It’s not even a single issue that can be focused on because the crashing is more like RNG.

This game is over 6 years old now and it is just as unstable as the day it launched, how is this at all acceptable? Better yet, what’s the compensation for time lost? I don’t play this game only to have the rewards taken from me time and time again. It’s frustrating to want to play a genuinely fun game but have it seemingly push you to not want to play it.

Only a few companies could release a game in this state and get away with it, but only Bethesda could have it remain like this for its entire life.

For clarification as well, I play on PS5. Who knows what’s happened to the countless crash reports at this stage.

Edit: I knew when writing this that a certain commenter would be attracted: those that seemingly NEVER have an issue. I get it, you have never had a crash or issue with this game. What I’d suggest you do is count your lucky stars and read the comments of those actually having issues. If that’s not enough, a simple google search will show you the extent of the history of these issues.

I’d also like to point how absolutely useless their support has been on this issue. No, restarting the game and console doesn’t help and reinstalling it also doesn’t magically make the game stable.