My poor attempt at making a FNAF timeline.
I'll explain some of these placements.
First, FNAF 1 and 4 nights in 1999. I did this because it lines up with Coppelia's school days and it would put her birthday in December 1987.
FNAF SL in 2002. No real reason. It could really be any year from 2000 - 2007 imo. Just a random year I picked for it.
FNAF 3 in 2015. 30 years after the MCI. I think this has to be the absolute stupidst changes Scott did. We didn't have the 1985 date when FNAF 3 released and I think FNAF 3 set 30 years after the MCI, an event that we never get to see (no, ITP doesn't count) is the most stupidst thing imo. Bundle that with the fact that we don't even have a game set in 1985 and the source code MASSIVELY implying that FNAF 3 is after an actual game makes this change even more irritating. But oh well, when new evidence drops, there isn't much we can do.
FFPS in 2017. Stupid choice for all the reasons with FNAF 3 and the fact that HRY223 is a thing. Why in the absolute fuck would you use a number that not only is one number off from being 2023, the most accepted year at the time, that just so happens to be RIGHT NEXT TO AN ABBRIVIATED VERSION OF HENRY?!?!? I'm sorry, but if this was just a troll by Scott then it was unironically a dick move. It all lined up perfectly but oh well, when given new evidence, we can't ignore it. Now why 2017 specifcally? Well, it's the release year and would actually make sense 2 years after FNAF 3 due to William looking completely different and Henry making a new resturant in 2 years as opposed to a few months. Can't say I competely hate this placement but I'm still very salty at Scott for this.
ITP in 2021. Assuming it is in the game's continuity. The old calender in the school room matches with 2018. It was said that the Mill was closed 3 years prior and made the town's population heavily decrease. And while I don't like using things that don't exist anymore, it is worth noting that the Jeff's Pizza ARG said that the arcade machinese were broken in October 2020, but they aren't fixed until Oswald repairs them. Why is this a problem? The game is set some time between mid July or early September since that's when middle schools usally start in Utah. But if ITP is set in summer, how can the arcade cabinets be broken in October if we repaired them in summer? This along with the old 2018-like calender, the graffiti that seems to be 2018 crossed out, AND the fact that there is a specific vtuber mentioned that doesn't become popular until October 2020 makes me dead set that ITP is set in around August 2021.
HOWEVER. The ARG no longer exists and could now be considered non canon. There is also the movie called Zendrelix 2020. Here's the thing, just because the movie has 2020 in the title means nothing. Godzilla 2000, Cyberpunk 2077, Blade Runner 2049, and 2001 A Space Odyssey all have years in their titles yet all of them did not come out in those years. I don't think Zendrelix 2020 has any real meaning to the timeline. And while that specific vtuber didn't exist and get popular until October 2020, the FNAF series has had many inconsistencies with real life things. Plus, vtubers have been a thing since 2016. FNAF doesn't have to mirror real life. Plus, that crossed out graffiti could very well say 2015 instead of 2018. If the Mill closed 3 years ago and 3 years ago was 2015 then what year would it be? 2018. ITP in 2018 or 2021 can really go either way.
HW in 2023. The ending of HW shows us a nearly complete Pizzaplex with a billboard that says "Coming Soon." I suspected this to be an indicator that HW is set a few months before the opening of the Pizzaplex. This would put HW around winter 2023.
Pizzaplex opening in 2024. Ik using the books is a controversial topic since they're all over the place, but listen. The books gives us a pretty good idea on when the Plex opens. The books set it in either 2024 or 2025. I put it in 2024 since we do know that the Pizzeplex has been open for 5 years and would be weird if it wasn't 2024. Again, the books are so incosistent anyway that I'm willing to write off 2025.
AR in 2028. The emails tell Vanessa that she will be hired at the Pizzaplex and by the time SB takes place, she has already been there for a few months. I put the AR emails at around November or December of 2028.
SB in 2029. It matches with the calender we see and fits somewhat snuggly from what the books tell us. And as for the 2035 picture, it's written so sloppy anyway that it could just be 2025 or even 2015. I think the books putting the Plex's opening at around 2024 is better evidence than sloppy hand writting on a picture.
What do you guys think? Personally, It's not my favorite at all, but it does make things a lot less cramped.