Debunking A FNAF Theory
so, this video is kinda old, but i wanted to debunk it since it released. now, this video is not about lore or storytelling, it's actually about real world science (little fact about me, i LOVE thoses kinds of FNAF Theories).
the video is made by TheChiptide on YouTube. link to the video:
and the main driving point is that the FNAF animatronics use pneumatic tubes. now, i understand why someone might think that, but there are many contrudictions. first off, he stated that the tubes we see in Endo-01 and Yenndo are pneumatic, which (to my knowledge) is false.
when Ennard is seen, there are lots of cut tubes, and inside those tube are wires, which tells us the FNAF SL animatronics are made of wires (which i'm assuming is how Scott thought of the idea for a controlled shock)
and when we see animatronics with similare tubes as Endo-01 (such as the ruined glamrocks), we see, yet again, more wires inside the tubes.
but that's not all. in the video, TheChiptide said some thing along the lines of: "Fazbear Entertainment wouldn't use electric motors, because that's more expensive than pnuematics". when i heard that, i went: "bro, have you even SEEN any of your own videos?!".
here are many points TheChiptide has brought up to explain that Fazbear Entertainment has no idea about budget in previous videos:
A. the springlocks they use are more expnesive than actual springlocks:
B. foxy running so fast would be extremely expensive during the time period:
C. the office doors are so convoluded, they aren't worth the costs:
all these points indicate that either Fazbear Entertainment actually care about quality (which is very unlikely) or that they have no idea how to manage money (which seems like the more belivable option)
it's just confusing to me that TheChiptide states how bad this fictional company is at money managmnet, but yet just kinda forgets about it when looking into a new topic.
but at the end of the day, TheChiptide is one of my favorite YouTubers. and personaly, i think you guys should subscribe to him. his videos remind me of when The Game Theorists had Austin do "The Science"