Should SE stop making NEW instance based content?

I wanted to kinda talk about this, mostly cause I've been thinking it might actually be bad for the game if the devs keep adding new instance based content into the game that eventually gets forgotten in history in some form.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of the content in the game that is instance based, Eureka, Bozja, Island Sanctuaries and even something like Criterion Dungeons, Palace of the Dead etc. they are still very much playable today and you can go do them on your own time.

But how much of that have you skipped over and left into your backlog as "things to do eventually" and you never actually end up doing them, because either the areas are dead from players at your playtimes or finding a party to do all 100levels of a deep dungeons that's already quite dead from activity sounds like a pain?

My main concern is this:

When they introduced Eureka, most people disliked it from what I've heard and read, they then updated it with new areas and zones and eventually people started to like the gameplay loop, they were hooked, but at the end of the patch cycle there was no new stuff for Eureka so it was left to rot. Sure you can still go do it for relics and story, but SE moved on to a "new instanced based thing" and Bozja was introduced. And from what I hear most people also disliked that, until they patched it and fixed it and people started to enjoy the gameplay loop, but again SE says: "Goodbye Bozja" and players are left behind until they release something new again that people will inevitably dislike.

I say this with the context that the new exploratory zone is coming up and I'm left to wonder if FF14 is starting to suffer from the issue that WoW had, where each expansion brings in a new evergreen content into the game and everything before it is abandoned and left to rust.

Again, yes Eureka and Bozja are still somewhat active and you can go do them, but you're more likely to do them out of literal boredom from the games current content than actually wanting to do them.

This also extends to something like if the devs would introduce a new Instance based housing system into the game. While I understand that the casual player does not want the hassle of house lottery and doesn't want to lose their house upon subscription cancellation, I fear that adding in new instanced based systems into the game will just overwork the devs for constantly adding new systems basically from scratch and again, it has the issue of that content eventually becoming a thing you put in your backlog of things to do.
And the game is filled with thousands of instance based gameplay systems.

I'm quite firmly on the mindset that I would want less instance based gameplay systems and just keep adding stuff to and improving the old ones. I would much rather have them go update Island Sanctuary for example and add your own cottage there, instead of adding another instance system.

I would much rather they expand the current apartment & housing district system instead of adding something new again.

I do understand that most of the content they push out have some form of story tied to them, and when that story is over, they move on to another one. But you could so easily add something new to Eureka or Bozja even if it's like a completely separate story and area.