NGD - Sweetwater Fender Custom Shop GT11
I started playing guitar in the 80s, took decades off, and recently got back into playing.
I started with a Charvel that I traded in for a 91 MIJ Ibanez RG770 and stuck with just that until recently when my wife bought me another guitar to get back into playing.
Fast forward and now I have a PRS SE Custom 24, EVH Wolfgang, Gibson Les Paul November burst, and a Taylor AD24ce.
A Fender Stratocaster has always been on my bucket list but I didn’t want to compromise and get a middle tier Strat or a more modern versatile Strat as I want the proper tool for the job. I wanted my Strat to sound like the strats I heard in music that inspired me to play in the first place. I also want something pretty and unique.
Well the stars aligned and my first strat, minus my kid’s Squire beginner kit guitar, is on its way to me.
I think I will be happy with this purchase for years to come.
How do you all like your GT11?