Looking for… support, I guess?
Hi all,
I’m a little embarrassed to be posting this, but this community seems kind.
I’m traveling to Nashville tomorrow for a work conference, home base is NYC. I travel often enough, but not usually by myself.
I’m suddenly PANICKING and I’m not even sure why. I feel like I can’t handle this. I’m a capable, professional woman in my mid thirties and I’m suddenly feeling like some feeble old grandma who can’t manage her way through an airport.
On top of that, I’m staying in an offsite location rather than the conference hotel. I will be super alone for two nights and I haven’t experienced that… ever, I don’t think. I usually travel with my spouse, and the few other times I went to conferences, it was with a university group and we shared rooms. I’ve never stayed in a hotel/airbnb by myself. It’s making me extremely anxious, but I’m having trouble even quantifying why, so I can’t take steps to abate it.
I did buy this lock thing that prevents a door from being opened if someone has the key, but it’s like… a giant metal slab. I’m not sure if I should even bring it because I think TSA won’t love it.
Since you all are more experienced with this stuff… would anyone be willing to offer any advice? Are there things that you do or bring specifically to make yourself feel safer?
I’ll take any words of wisdom you’re willing to offer a newbie. This is for a new job and I’m sure there will be more trips. I need to get comfortable with this.
Thanks for reading, and thanks again for any advice.
TL;DR: new to this, terrified, plz hlp