How do I add Reika's mods to Infinity Evolved?

I'm trying to add rotarycraft and chromaticraft to Infinity Evolved. To do so I'm putting the mod jars and Dragon API jar in the mod folder as you do with any other mod, however for these it's crashing on startup for some reason. Thanks in advance for any help.

EDIT: Here is the crash report I have java version 1.8.0_66 and 2 GB of RAM set in the FTB launcher. I downloaded the pack this morning so forge should be good, it's version 10.13.4,1558. The crash report says I may need to remove a java argument from the launcher, but I'm not sure how to do that. I also disable forestry and all its addons for testing this.

EDIT 2: Rotarycraft is now working and I'm not going to worry about chromaticraft. Full solution is below thanks to u/JoeBeezli.