Something to Focus On If You RTO
If it's going to happen at the extreme many people here fear, it will be a sht shw - so let's embrace it. They want to rush everyone back? Well there are a LOT of problems in these spaces and they've only gotten worse during COVID, not better. GSA has a backlog of outstanding health and safety violations, and they have MANY tens of billions of dollars in LONG deferred repairs and alterations.
Read the OIG reports - lead, copper, legionella bacteria and other contaminants have been common and ongoing in your buildings' drinking water, and O&M's in many buildings have been required to regularly flush water systems. Guess what, if no one has been regularly using your kitchenette, or dinky sink or fountains in your locked agency space, you've got some sweet stagnant water, baby. Find out if any testing has been done in the building.
Pay close attention to your workspace - visually check for water damage, mold, stains, broken items - take a total inventory of every single thing, check the fire extinguishers check the lights, doors, windows, temperature, check for tripping hazards in the old crappy carpet.
If it doesn't look right, doesn't smell right, doesn't feel right, take note and report it.
They want to ACTUALLY utilize federal buildings? Well congress is in for a rude awakening if they think they're paid for and maintenaned 😂 there is so much outstanding work to bring them up to standard that it's probably equal to the entire value of the owned portfolio. If recent years are any predictor we are in for a hot summer in a portfolio of buildings with beyond useful life chillers and questionable drinking water.
Let's at least take this time for a full accounting of the terrible state of our long neglected portfolio.
For what it's worth I like PBS and GSA a lot