We’re in this together, I believe in you
I know there are a lot of unanswerable questions about what is going to happen under a Trump presidency, a GOP controlled senate, and possibly GOP house as well. But one thing that gives me some assurance is knowing that there are millions of career federal employees working in non-partisan agencies continuing to make this country function.
We have worker protections, we have laws and unions that help to protect us, and we have the power to keep things relatively NORMAL in this country. Y’all know that a new political appointee at the top of your command chain can have very little impact on the work you do every day. After all, we are the ones who actually do the work, not them.
They might pressure and push us to quit, if they do it’s because they’re struggling to fire us. They might try to take our raises, our telework, or even some of our benefits. But don’t forget that the work we do is important. Federal employees are the people making sure we have clean drinking water, safe air to breathe, that we have national parks, that our mail gets delivered, that we collect taxes, enumerate the population, provide vital services to people like income and medical care, that we defend our borders, and manage emerging and endemic diseases, make sure food and medicine are safe… we are the ones keeping the lights on. American people depend on us for the normal life they expect, whether they know it or not. While politicians try to make changes let’s keep doing our not-political jobs as long as we can to keep things functional.
Lastly I want to say thank you, from one random federal employee to another. I believe in us :)