What is the best agency to work for?

I'm coming up on a year with VBA and to say it's awful would be grossly understating.

I'm a supervisor and workload is outrageous. I supervise and do the technical work. I'm basically doing two jobs and making it all happen within 40 hours because "if I'm not getting my work done in 40 hours, it's my fault".

No comp time, no RDO (how dare a supervisor even ask), no flex time. But wait, there's more. As supervisors we are making such amazing money we should not need anything else. Just bow at the alter of the Director and take all the garbage that person presents. Any issue we bring, the director finds a way to explain how much worse they have it or turns it around and now it's another task on my plate.

I am good at my job and love supervising. I get stellar reviews from my staff. I just need to get out of this place because it's demoralizing, high stress, and unsustainable. Sitting at my desk working, I find my heart racing, even the Teams ding is stressful.