What To Expect After Med Increase?

If someone has been on meds for BP1 for a while (months), what should we expect for the days/weeks after one of the meds was increased? For example, recently they went from 100 to 150mg of Zoloft due to the start of a depressive episode (they are also on both a mood stabilizer and antipsychotic). They have since had a sudden onset of weakness and sadness, and we're trying to understand if that is expected and will alleviate over the course of the next couple of weeks, or if it's more concerning and we should reach out to the psychiatrist who is on vacation ... Obviously we are aware to seek urgent care for SI, but that's not the concern at this point. I am curious if a med adjustment at a hospital/psychiatric urgent care might be warranted, though. We are in the US.

Can anyone share any insight? Thanks!