Facebook has been the best way to find lost people from the past and reconnect
Just wanted to share, that from all the positives and negatives of facebook, it has been the main if not possibly the only way for someone to find and reconnect with people from the past that they lost contact with or to keep in touch with multiple circles of people and maintain contact with relatives who are elsewhere, not only because its the most commonly used social media which makes it easier to find someonoe from either generation but because it is also designed in a more open way to search and find people, it does not always work but for the most part it does and personally i am very grateful that something like this was made because it helped me a lot to find people that i knew from the past and solve some loose ends like apologizing for some things (even if minor) etc, but also to reconnect with lost friends among other things, of course this can not replace real life contacts but it still maintains the presence of faraway people in some way