15M Double vision?

Hello all, I have noticed since around the start of Christmas break that I have been seeing double sometimes when up close. For example when I am looking at my phone screen and unfocus my eyes from what is displayed on my phone and focus on my reflection everything is doubled horizontally on the phone screen and the background is blurry. I have just noticed this recently and I do also have astigmatism and HPPD because of drugs and I do drink and smoke. BTW I am not confusing this with ghosting either. This has been bothering me recently and I am scheduled for an eye test soon. I don’t think I have any stabismus (Lazy eye) as my eyes seemed aligned just fine. Also when I have 1 eye closed I do not see double which is leading me to believe it is diplopia. Do you think this is Binocular diplopia? Do you think this could be fixed with prisms? I would appreciate any reply’s 😁