Orthodoxy is Not a Religion

It's also said, by Orthodox Christians and many non-Orthodox Christians, that Christianity is not a religion, but rather is the end of all religion.

Before becoming Orthodox, I was led to believe that the Christianity I was raised in (Catholicism) was the true religion, and that other religions had varying levels of truth but did not have it in fullness. This teaching that Orthodoxy is not a religion seems to be taking it in a different direction.

What do you think of the claim that the Orthodox Faith is not a religion?

In my mind, Orthodoxy certainly can be classified under a dictionary definition of a religion. It has a collection of prayers, services, candles, incense, vestments, calendars, and standards for the proper worship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It has rules and laws regarding behavior of its religionists (e.g. fasting, regular confession, kinesthetics in church, sexuality, who you can/cannot marry). It has a set creed and dogma. It's institutional, with a hierarchy of bishops and priests, canon law, a distinct priesthood (separate from the priesthood of all believers shared by the laity), and has monasteries where practices of worship are performed in highest conformity to the Tradition.

If Orthodoxy is not a religion, then the dictionaries aren't defining the word religion right, IMO.