Strict Muslim dad wants me to break up with my non-Muslim gf
I (24M) and my gf (23F) have been together for 6 years. The relationship is amazing and I love her so much. Unfortunately, my parents are strict religious Muslims and I live with them. Because of this, my gf and I kept the relationship a secret until we were financially set.
Eventually after 6 years, I had to tell my parents since I couldn’t just keep this secret forever. At this stage, both my gf and I have completed our University degrees and have been accepted into decent jobs. We want to move out and get our own place but we wanted to first reveal the relationship to my parents since we didn’t want to hide our relationship forever.
I knew they would be against it but I had to tell them. It was stupid for me to think but a part of me thought that they would be accepting since I’ve been with this girl for awhile now. That wasn’t the case. They obviously had a bad reaction particularly my father.
My mother was initially sad but she accepted my decision since she wanted me to be happy. However my father went complete apeshit. All I got from him is threats and insults. No matter what I said, he refused to accept. Ever since I told him, he has made my life hell. He wants me to break up with her or I’ll be disowned and will bar my siblings and mum from ever seeing me. Saying that I will “corrupt” my siblings (even though they also have secret relationships).
I thought over time he would eventually come to terms and accept my decision but lately the treatment has been getting worse. I don’t know what to do. I am thinking of moving out and hoping that my dad eventually comes to his senses and allows my mum and siblings to see me but I don’t know. I am essentially at a point where I have to pick between my gf and family. Has anyone been in a similar situation? I just don’t know what the best way is to deal with this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Note: I am secretly an ex Muslim which I don’t plan on telling my parents.