Muslims getting offended at artwork
What do you think about this painting? I was hoping to see some actual nice discussions in the comments but it's just Muslims clutching their pearls that someone dare criticise them. There are lots of paintings that criticise Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, western culture in general (made by artists from said culture and abroad) that also get showcased but the backlash I never there. As a woman, I've also be hearing everywhere that Islam gave women rights (even in my group therapy session, which is a whole thing in itself) and what's going on isn't 'real islam" but I have never ever seen a proper example of these rights- there always seems to be some loophole where a man gains the upper hand.
As said in the comment that actually bothered to explain shit and give a proper opinion, the artist is Muslim and Turkish. Shouldn't he have an opinion criticising his religion and culture?
I also find it ironic that the French get the "woAhh iSlAmAPhoBe!!111" treatment when Muslims often shit on and complain about western culture and religions.