RUMOR: More Temple Changes?!

Hey all! Friendly neighborhood PIMO here.

I was talking to a close relative who works in the temple. They were telling me that the endowment session has been reduced by 25 minutes.

I said “Oh yeah, it’s been that way for like a year, right?”

They told me that as of this past week, the endowment session has been reduced by 25 minutes. According to my relative, there are a handful of changes to the video presentation as well as the actual ceremony.

One specific change is that the temple workers will ask participants at the veil if they would like a card that has a script on it. This vastly reduces the time it takes people to get through the veil.

I could not get them to tell me about any other procedural changes, but apparently there are a handful. If anyone else has additional information, please return and report!