my mom has gone legit crazy

i haven’t posted on here in a while but my life being a jw teen is actually driving me insane. my mother, who is PIMI, is an alcoholic. it’s not news that more jehovah’s witnesses than we realize are alcoholics, but now my mother just claimed jehovah gave her a vision 😭😭

i was just in her room talking to her when she pulled up a picture of a brother we used to be in a congregation with. he’s years older than me and she brought out how he grew a beard and looks a lot older. i didn’t reply until she looked me dead in the eye and told me im going to marry him. I got visibly uncomfortable (first because im a lesbian, which nobody knows), but also how weird that statement is when Im a minor and he’s a full adult. I asked her why in the world she would say that and she only repeated herself and then apologized and started to cry, saying that “Jehovah let’s her see things sometimes,” as if he had just given her a glimpse into the future. this religion has seriously made my mother an alcoholic and turned her crazy