Things I believe Watchtower will change in 2025
The roll of the United Nation's in destroying all religion. If anything people have become more religious especially with Islam. There has been significant increase in people identifying as religious. Also the UN is powerless. It didn't and hasn't stopped Russia, Israel etc.
The "Generation" or Overlapping Generations. This whole concept needs to change. Even JWs don't believe in it anymore. There are literally 6th and 7th Generation JWs out there.
Mid week meeting. No one goes out in service anymore. There is no need for a ministry meeting. Maybe a shorter version of the mid week meeting. People can get home earlier.
Tattoos. This is something the Org won't encourage but won't discourage if they want to keep the youth engaged. Mormons relaxed thier rules on this a couple years ago. Watchtower seems to follow suit with Mormons lately.
Birthdays. Watchtower will relax its stance on Birthdays. It's an old rule that no one really cares about anymore.
Let me know your thoughts.