Writing family after 1 year? Need advice

Hi guys,

it's been almost 1 year since I left the organization and I'm thinking about writing my family again.

Do you think this could have an positive outcome - at least some day in the future?

Since I left my whole family and friends shun me. The only exception is my father and my grandma. They still watch my Whatsapp Stories. My grandma wrote me a handful of times (like a crying emoji when I posted a picture of myself in a Santa Claus costume. Another time she wished me and my girlfriend a beautiful vacation when I posted something about us travelling). Dad answers when I ask him about financial stuff.

But all in all no real contact and small talk.

I could imagine writing along the lines of how they need to know that I'll never come back to the organization and they should really rethink the consequences. Maybe I'll ask them if they really believe that god wanted this extent of shunning or if it may be a wrong interpretation by their leaders.

I know they'll probably stop reading or just won't accept another viewpoint on this. But maybe there comes a day, when they'll remember my words and will want to contact me - even if its decades from now.

What do you think?