I hate European expansion in East Asia so much. Every time I play there, Portugal has taken half of Australia and Spain holds most uncolonized Indonesian islands by 1600. If only they weren't so annoying to get rid of, and weren't seemingly immune to colonial range

Even when I go full colonialism, snatch all the outlying islands in the Indian ocean and in the Pacific (even all the way up to the Easter islands and the Aleuts), these damn plague rats find a way to spread like a horrible disease.

I'll just be chilling trying to get the Mandate as Japan, and then I'll see the FUCKING OTTOMANS IN TAIWAN. HOW DID YOU GET THERE; YOU HAVE NO OTHER COLONIES!!!!!!!!

If we just had a way to keep them out until like the 1700s by taking key islands. Like, you expect me to believe that the Spanish would just send a single ship to nowhere to colonize a random island that's like a month of sailing away?

And then when you go to war, you best hope they send their armies, because no way you'll get more than one shitty island per war otherwise. And if it's the Ottomans? Good luck, they'll somehow find a way to cross 31 warring nations in India to send their 500k troops straight to your closest continental province.

Rant over.