Expanded Mod Family DD 2024-05-24: Maya Update Release
Hello everyone and welcome back to another Expanded Mod Family Developer diary about our Mayan Update shared alongside the mods that wanted to participate, in this case
- Flavours and Events Expanded
- Governments Expanded
- Great Monuments Expanded
- Historical Ideas Expanded
On a gameplay note, all the updates with the content showcased here will be already live, on steam, by the moment you have finished reading the Dev Diary [even if you scroll :D], just give steam time to update ^^
Flavours and Events Expanded
Starting with FEE we have created a few events for the Mayapan nations
This event is available just to Itza itself, and is aimed to give you a choice between returning to Mexico and embracing part of your past hereitage or just accept your Mayan roots and try to resurrect the Mayana league.
This is more of a "mechanic" event meaning that the Mightiest Tolla is a modifier, enabled by event, that will be grant to the greatest capital of a Mayan [culture and religion] nation, it last until the end of the age.
No country can have two cities with the same modifier, and no two cities can have the modifier, so if you want to declare your capital as the Mightiest you will first have to conquer the province that has erected it before you.
While reading about the history of Itza I kinda went into a rabit hole regarding Magnus the Red [who did nothing wrong and I will fight anyone on this] and Tizca its capital, so yes the previous and this event are a bit about it.
The isla cerritos was one of the major established port [and attempt to it] by the old League, now laying basically in ruins it should be restored to give the Mayapans a chance to sail once again in the Carribeans.
Governments Expanded
Hello everyone, alongside Br0ken, who lead the research for this update, we found that both some aspects of the various nations would have been better represented as Government Reforms just like other aspects could have a "double" representation, between reforms and either ideas or events.
K'aj vs Sajtaj u yajawil k'oxelil u K'iche
To try and better represent some of the relations between Nahuatl and Mayans we decided to dedicate a reform in the Tier 2 that would try and simulate this dualism... Most likely once we arrive at the Aztec part of the whole Mesoamerica update [in this brief pause from India] we might enable this reform also to the Nahuatl nations in the game.
On the other side, sometimes the relations between the Mayan civilisation and the other local population was a bit less communal and the spirit and will of the Mayans to spread their culture was more aggressive but still approached with patience
Scrolling down a little bit in the government reforms, at Tier 3, you will find the representation of the Clan System that was crucial for the survival of the Mayans, a system used to pass on traditions, cultures and that listed the stability of the whole nation.
At Tier 4 you will find the first meddling of the "Clergy" inside the nation with the Tier 4 reforms describing the way the knowledge of the older generations into the new ones.
Finally we fight, and not only with mere obsidian, our soldiers have been able to harness the power of metal to dominate the battlefield against many other worthier and harder foes.
While warfare and traditions are really important, sometimes everyone just wants to live a more peaceful life dominated by talking and trading, all purely for profit.
Finally at Tier 8 you will blend both your knowledge of great stone temples, metal as well as shells to improve your coastline and build wonderful cities.