Expanded Mod Family DD 30-03-2024: Tamil events!

Ellōrukkum vaṇakkam!

u/expandedModFamily here and today we are going continue presenting the common work done by the EMF on the Coromandel Region!

Today, ChuKoNoob, Hanybal, u/Melvasul94 and the rest of the Flavours and Events Expanded team will showcase the work done on the events for the Tamil update.


Starting with a brand new disaster which will regard the struggle after a succession crisis for the Sinhalese countries in the Age of Reformation

Vijayaba Kollaya




Starting from the favourite nation of u/Melvasul94


The nation of Andhra has received a set of events both related to their state in the 15th century as well as related to the glory of the older dynasty and their role as one of the strongest original dynasties in India.


Starting from their current state you will decide if the secrecy and neutrality you have observed for the past centuries is the path to choose in the future or to re-start the conquest of what was yours.


Ideally, you should reclaim the glory of the Satavahanas dynasty which will lead to a series of other events such as the restoration of the fait of the Theravada.


which would unlock the conditional modifier of the monument Nagarjunakonda which we have showcased a few updates developer diaries ago
as well as setting your Capital to the old one of Amaravathi and around 10 conquest-related events about your old dominions.


Proceeding down we encounter the next set of events related to opm and vassal of Vijayaganar Jaffna.


Similarly to Andhra Jaffna will see a starting event about its possible expansion and plan for the foreseeable future choosing the path your country shall follow.


After a series of conquest and stabilisation the rule of your dynasty will shine a new light upon the island finally united and being able to [after a few years of more prosperity and stabilisation] expand your hands on further reaches than the ones in the islands.


The administration of the island [these events will be available for any nation owning it] will also mean considering the prominent Muslim community which will dwell in Ceylon for the trade of pearls, be aware of greed.


Lastly, the Arrival of the Aliens will pose a huge dilemma on how to approach these new people seeking for your riches, be aware...



For what concerns the Sinhalese country there are a few sets of events for them... I will showcase only the first part related to Sigyria since the latter are still in an incomplete state, but will be ready when the release will arrive, don't worry.

The legend of Sigirya will bring the ruler of Kotte [or Kandy, depending who owns the province of Kandy itself] to rediscover the ancient story of the cave and the marvels it hides within...

Further events for Kotte/Kandy will be underway regarding the Portuguese-Sinhalese relations after the discovery of the island.

The End

And finally we have ended, we will see as a team in a few weeks when we will unveil the content for the region of Deccan and we can't wait to hear your thoughts on the update which will drop next week (:

Thanks so much for reading and tuning it into the Dev Diary. See you next week to showcase the other parts of the Coromandel Update regarding events!

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