The ticker it ETH, quit your bitching.
Of course, we'd always like to pick the most successful project, but hindsight is 20/20. Given all the metrics that ETH continues to outperform in, I am more than happy with the bet I’ve taken. Fuck that, it’s literally up 260% from the bear market, and all y’all bitches are screaming from the rooftops that it’s dead.
Sure, if you picked one of the 20 out of 100,000 projects that have done well, you could claim you outperformed. Genuinely, well done but I barely pick my nose that accurately. I’m here to make intelligent, long-term asymmetric bets, and ETH is the best of them.
Most importantly, who is left now? After these drawdowns and "underperformance," who is still holding or buying ETH? The believers. The ones who have no doubt $10k is achievable..even bearish. The ones who have done the research, seen the metrics, and understand Ethereum's core philosophy. The ones who weren’t shaken out by some 1-in-1,000 hype token.
The longer ETH stays depressed, the larger my peak price target becomes because the only ones left are the people with true conviction.
TL;DR: Do the research, build your convictions, open a position, and shut the fuck up. You will never pick the highest-performing tokens. Believe in something more than hype, and you will sleep much better at night.
Also, can we stop shitting on each other, please? This entire space has grown from nothing to almost $4 TRILLION in under 15 years. We can all be successful.
That said, I’m sure there will be plenty of “PricE diDn’T gO Up eTh DeAd” disingenuous comments, to which I will reply: “stfu.”