Offline after changing router/ISP

I’m looking into it but is anyone savvy about what would break when switch ISP’s? My server is hard wired and I hoped that things would just continue to work after the wire was changed to the new ISP’s router. I know the ISP is working because I have internet on my daily use PC. This issue is somehow specific to the validator server/setup.

Basic setup:

Ubuntu CLI



Update: It is running now. In case anyone else finds this thread I’ll add what I saw/did.

The SSH from my PC did not work anymore so I logged in directly to the server. From there my priority was to get the SSH working so I could google stuff and troubleshoot at the same time from a windows PC.

hostname -I

Command was showing me the OLD IP address so I figured the server must not realize I switched the internet under its nose. I then rebooted the server as a default resolution attempt and sure enough that worked. It must have been able to pick up the new network changes on start up. I am unaware of how you would resolve this issue without a reboot.