my controlling family is opposed to me dating.

(sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language)

i (18F) met this one guy (19M) back in the start of july 2024 and i started to fall for him so we started dating in mid november. 2 weeks after we started dating, i was SUPER happy and proud so i went to tell my family that i found a great guy and mind you, it’s my first relationship, so as a result, i was very excited and i thought that they would be too. even tough my family is strict, i thought that for the first time they would be happy for me, at least for once.. unfortunately that wasn’t the case and they started getting furious as days passed by. they demanded me to take my bf to meet them and they proceeded to make him a whole interview and at the end of it all, they told me he was a good guy and that they liked him, so i thought that everything was going to be alright and they would accept our relationship. all of a sudden, they started switching sides and turned controlling and it’s really affecting me recently.. i seriously don’t know what to do since they turned their backs on me and took away the room i was staying in for college and are now thinking of stoping supporting me financially. (they are even controlling my bank accounts). i really love this guy like so much and i really don’t want to let go of him, i truly feel like he’s the person for me and i never felt so safe, appreciated and happy with someone like this before and they know this so why are they trying to take him away from me? if you have any advices for this situation, please give me some :( what did i do wrong in this? should’ve i kept it a secret from them? why are they so furious and against it?

(for more context: we met on tinder initially, started talking regularly and then we started hanging out more frequently before dating. we’re currently in a long distance relationship (1h drive) and despite his financial situation, he always makes all the efforts to come see me and his parents are really good people and they like me so they always help out with this as well. we hang out at the weekends but now my family is beginning to prohibit it and it’s making me so sad recently… they tell me i made a big mistake by starting to date, that i am a needy and selfish person, that i don’t need to date anyone since i already have their love, that i only need to focus on studies and i don’t need any “impediments” and lots of other demotivating and offensive stuff. im honestly tired of having to live my own life the way they want me to, and now i need to give up on the person i love most? why?)