Goodbye Meatball 😪🤧
Just had his 6th bday.. got his trach surgery done so he could breath better and had some crystallized stones above urethra both surgery's at once was a perfect success but the reason we brought him in originally (pain vomiting and not eating) didn't get better.. now he's puking blood.. 18000$ later after 9days he fought his best to recover and I don't regret spending a dime to try.. buddies tired.. Gone so soon.. cya over the rainbow 🌈 bridge buddy ðŸ˜. Can't stop crying this is so hard to do he was so full of life and energy a week n half ago.. never had any health problems in his life then this.. hug your lil muffins close and don't take a day for granted.. Hopefully he will be there to run and play with any of your dogs that have passed and they can show him the ropes up there.. til we meet again!.