NHS initial gynaecology

Hi just had a phone call to say I’d been seen next week for my first gynaecology appointment. Is there any advice or things to mention to be taken seriously? If there’s anything I should know so that I am not messed around please help! I have attached some notes of my symptoms that I will talk about.

NOTES Been having lower abdomen/ovary and back pain. Ongoing occasional sharp pains and constant ache / cramp since March. Feelings of nausea. Bleeding occasionally and sexual discomfort. Suspected endometriosis and on the waitlist for gynaecologist. In need of pain relief. I currently have codeine and naproxen. Both do not relieve anything so I haven’t been taking them anymore in months.

Symptoms - [ ] Dull aching pain every day. Sometimes accompanied by sharp pains, used to be maybe once a week but now daily. Sharp pains usually happen with too much physical exertion. - [ ] Bloating everyday. Wake up fine and flat tummy, then by evening I have a rock solid huge bulging tummy. I’m not constipated, have at least one poo a day. Solid stool. - [ ] Feeling tired all the time. I sleep for 10hrs every night and feel so tired. - [ ] Bleeding after sex sometimes. Pain after or during sex. - [ ] Nausea with the pain - [ ] Lower back pain everyday - [ ] Pain in both sides of lower abdomen but mainly left side. This left side also hangs lower than the right when leaning over. Haven’t noticed this prior to my symptoms. - [ ] Changes in appetite. Eat quite small but feel very full. Sometimes get hungry but not very often. - [ ] Poor immune system? I get ill very easily. - [ ] Ultrasound showed I have a retroflexed uterus and abnormal follicular count on ovary. - [ ] Normal hormone level

-Since there is NO IMAGING that reliably sees endometriosis, I would like a referral to an Endo Specialist.