Anyone else feel like endo escalated from silent to a beast in a matter of months?

I am waiting to have surgery to confirm endo but I believe I’ve suffered with it since I started getting my periods. The last real bout of pain was before I got pregnant with my firstborn using IVF. Since then I’ve had another baby and a couple of years of manageable periods. In the last year or so though I’ve had a significant increase in bloating. Past 3 months the back pain started. In December I was referred to PT for insane stiffness and hip pain in addition to the back pain. PT seemed to trigger what I am now realizing was likely a flare up that lasted almost 2 weeks (achey and sore distended belly). I eventually got it to calm down by taking ibuprofen around the clock for 2 days. Finally clicked that it might be endometriosis by coming across endo belly descriptions. Still wasn’t sure if I fit the bill exactly because pelvic pain was “manageable” but the specialist still had heard enough to recommend surgery. Then symptoms disappeared a bit and I started to worry I was overreacting… but now, out of the blue I’m feeling ALL kinds of pain, rectum, cervix, bowels, what feels like bands running up through my hips, bloat is back in full…

Seems like another flare to me.

What is confusing to me is how I could go from pretty silent endo to this amount of pain in about 3 months… anyone else?