How did you know?

I know this question probably gets asked a million times here, but really, how did you know?

I (22f) have POTS and suspect I may have some form of EDS. I’ve always had stretchy skin and clicky joints (particularly in my hands and feet). Small cuts or bruises take what feels like forever to heal. My joints- especially my hips- can pop out of place pretty easily. I’ve had chronic pain in my hips and neck/shoulders for as long as I can remember.

Obviously I don’t know if it’s EDS, but it took me ten years of struggling with my doctors to get a diagnosis and treatment for my POTS symptoms. I don’t have it in me to start the diagnostic process unless it’s worth it or I might be right.

So I guess I actually have more than one question. How did you know, and was getting diagnosed actually worth it?