If we don't fix our unsafe classrooms, America, as we know it, will grind to a halt

There's a viral video of a teacher who is pepper sprayed by a student for confiscating her phone. Why isn't this national news?! Because people don't care about teacher safety.

It isn't safe to be a teacher in America - not physically, emotionally, or mentally. And no one cares! If an experienced teacher quits, just stuff another body into the classroom. One teacher with 32 kids and zero administrative back-up.

Will the pepper-sprayed guy be able to return to teaching? He can. But will his PTSD constantly cause him to look at everything through the lens of fear? And will that affect his ability to teach? Of course it will.

How about Abby Zwerner, the teacher who was shot by a 1st grader? She may have to return. Her school district claims she can only collect workman's comp because getting shot is something teachers must factor in when accepting the job.

We have past history on this. The Jungle, a 1906 novel by Upton Sinclair, who worked in the meatpacking industry, exposed the cruel and unsanitary working conditions. Workers who were maimed by the dangerous machinery were fired for being unable to continue with their work.

The book led to the establishment of Workers' Comp laws and OSHA - but it took decades.

The meatpacking industry wasn't changed to protect the immigrants who worked there. It was changed because people stopped buying meat. As more and more read the book, the descriptions of how they made sausage and hot dogs did great damage to the industry.

It will be the same with teachers. We are mentally and physically maiming them. Those who made teaching their life, and who are now unable to go on, are discarded.

But the driving force for change will be the impact on our kids. They can't learn in chaotic, unsafe classrooms. More and more parents are homeschooling - and it's a lot of extra work. Those who absolutely can't, are finding that their graduate child can't read or add. Employers don't have a skilled labor force.

If we don't fix this fast, America, as we know it, will grind to a halt.