What’s the deal wavetable softsynths? (read before answering pls)

I’m using a range of various synthesizers, hardware and software.

I try various synths / synth methods (i.e. not a noob question, thx for reading). I prefer analogue hardware by far. For softsynths I tend to drift in that direction (emulators like Drumazon sees a lot of play time). Granular takes second place.

I see lots of posts here and ads, reviews etc elsewhere about wavetable synths. I’m not a stranger to wavetable synths, but to me it never seems worth the effort. It’s kind of like modular hardware - really fun and interesting, until you realize that you’re in a rabbit hole not getting any actual music done.

It seems that wavetables may be the most popular softsynths right now, are they? Why? What am I missing? What makes the complexity worth the effort to you?