pinging again after 1 month and a half ish. advice

rolling again around 1 month and three weeks later need advice

hey everyone so the first time ive ever taken molly was the 27th of december. i took about 85mg from what ive researched the pill was 170mg. it was fine. i took a whole pill (170) the next day and i had a horrible comedown for about a week. does anyone reckon this has done permanent damage to me?

besides the point, im rolling again some time mid february. i respext the three month rule but im meant to be rolling with a few friends that are only available around that time period due to others going on holiday. i dont plan to roll again after this. i will be taking 120-180mg depending on how i feel , the pill itself is 180mg. will this do significant damage if i never use it again afterwards? im really afraid but i still want to do it