mdma doesn’t work on me.
So basically went to my first rave in October and took 80mg of mdma. i didn’t feel anything at all.
I did it again 2 1/2 months later and took 1 cap (140mg), 1.5hrs later i took another. still nothing. I was super sweaty, felt a little light, pupils dilated. I ended up taking another 2 caps and 1 bag within the next hour. I still felt only like before.
I just tried again last night. 1 cap (160mg), same cap an hour later, still nothing… then i had a bag. We also had 2 bags worth about 5 pills each on us, i had half of the bag straight and the rest in water. I felt the same as the time before + little burping.
2 of my friends drank about 1/5 of the water and got fucked up. i had the rest!
feels like i just gain a symptom of coming up but never get there.
i am not on any medication! i ate a light breakfast at 11.30am. took first pill at 5pm. i don’t think i have that drug rapid metabolism gene. I feel the effects of ibuprofen and codeine etc. all 12 of my friends all take 1 cap, from the same dealer. have the time of their life, and maybe redose. I feel left out! do i just simply need more? maybe at once?
just want to know if anyone has any idea of another reason. and what to do. i’ve been told to just double drop next time…