Thinking about that time I spoiled Mother 3 for myself
So at the ripe age of 8, I was playing Mother 3 for the first time as one Earthbound obsessed Ness main does, and since I was a child with a computer, I went on the Mother wiki. At the time I was pretty early on into the game, around the end of Chapter 1 and I decided to look up Claus. Why you ask? Its because he was pretty cool, and because I knew nothing about him at the time. Well that's when I saw his Masked Man form and as a dumb child I was like "WOWZAS!! EQUIPPED ITEMS SHOW UP ON YOUR CHARACTER IN GAME!?! THATS SICK!!! LOOK AT EM WITH HIS BIG OL HELMET AND COOL SWORD!!!" then I kept reading....that's when I spoiled the main plot twist and a really important emotional plot point in the game. I was devastated and heavily complained to my sister about it after. The End, thanks for reading my reddit post guys and make sure to hit that upvote button for more funny stuff goodbye!!