Went a hundred some days alcohol free

I don’t have it so bad as some. I started January off with beer. I usually get .06 drunk. As the blood alcohol calculator says .10 and up it’s gets messy. Now I just drink a few times a week. I know drinking that much isn’t healthy for me but I figure I can stop when I’m a grandpa.

The lesson is: take it easy, don’t let booze control you, and enjoy your drunk

edit https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html

I used that site. 2 9.5% in one hour gets me .076

and according to the site, i want to float in the .06-.09 zone

also 4 40% shots gets you to 0.092. idk it's what i go by

0.060–0.099 Blunted feelings Reduced sensitivity to pain Euphoria Disinhibition Extraversion Reasoning Depth perception Peripheral vision Glare recovery