I always wondered about her. Thanks Google.
Medea, in mythology, granddaughter of *Helios, and daughter of Aeëtes, king of Colchian Aia (see Colchis), and his wife Eidyia; ancient writers frequently associate her name (perhaps rightly) with μήδεσθαι, ‘to devise’, and she became the archetypal example of the scheming, *barbarian woman. Already in our earliest testimony, Hesiod'sTheogony, she is associated with the completion of *Jason(1)'s challenges in Aia in his quest for the golden fleece, and leaves Aia with him to live in *Iolcus (vv. 992–1002), but her mastery of drugs and potions, a skill she shares with her aunt *Circe, is not mentioned. This passage appears in a catalogue of goddesses who slept with mortal men, and Medea was clearly always conceived as a divine being (cf. Pind.Pyth. 4. 11; West on Hes.Theog.992).
StoryMedea helps Jason complete the three tasks set by King Aeëtes in exchange for the Golden Fleece. She falls in love with Jason, gives him a potion to protect him from fire-breathing oxen, and charms the dragon guarding the fleece. Medea and Jason leave Colchis and marry, but Medea eventually kills their children and Jason's other bride in revenge for his desertion