My timeline just accelerated…
I’m a med student who just found out that I’ll be moving in June and working in the hospital where the vast majority of patients will either speak only Spanish or not enough English to conduct patient care in English. Currently I’m at around 70 hours and understanding stuff well at difficulty 38-43ish. The problem is, with school and studying for boards, I can only commit an hour a day as the absolute maximum on DS. Does anyone have suggestions on other ways to incorporate input at the level I’m currently at (easy podcasts or other shows for example) that I can incorporate during downtime but when I may not be able to watch DS videos?
Also, obviously I’ll have to start speaking at some point before or in June, but still want to hold off for as long as I can to try to get the best accent possible with the time I have. What is a reasonable time frame for me to expect to have to practice before moving vs just waiting until I’m there and put on the spot?
Has anyone else ever successfully navigated a situation like this?
Edited to add: I’m certainly not fluent in it, but already had about a B2 proficiency in French which seems like it’s making the acquisition in Spanish a little bit faster.